Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sifting Through the Past, Desk By Desk

After several days I finally have my badges for access to where I'll be working in the DFIP (detention facility in Parwan...yah! More acronyms to learn!) and I was even shown my desk and computers...yeah, computers, as in plural. A desk and computers you say?! No jumping from desk to desk computer to computer like at Huachuca? Hooray for small miracles. An organization that kind of gives a damn.

I don't have the access codes to actually get on the computers yet so it's not like I can actually start any work until I get those (boo for bureaucracy) but I had the opportunity to start cleaning out my desk, which from some of the items found hasn't been cleaned out for years.

Here's a small list:

- canned chicken
- candy
- unopened trail mix
- Several Hooters calendars
- "tush" wipes
- more candy
- protein bars
- Mio drink mix
- other various drink mixes
- Sand In My Bra...I might actually read this
- the greatest pair of aviators I have ever seen; I put them on and one of my coworkers told me I look like a pedophile. Yep, those are keepers.

I love how desks become odd little time capsules. Gives interesting insight into the people who previously worked there.


- toothbrush
- crossword puzzles
- popcorn
- some pills...could be candy, who knows

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