Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tell me how this really ends...

This ceremony I did not expect to see for a long, long time.

US military involvment in the Iraq conflict is officially over. It is a bitter-sweet moment for me.

Like I've mentioned a few times in this blog, I spent a majority of my Army career either preparing for or deploying to Iraq. There are a lot of memories; some good, some bad.

The conflict is not over for Iraq, however. There are still remnants of AQI and ISI running around causing problems. Can't forget about JRTN either who most likely will start making news shortly. And what about the Kirkuk issue? That likely won't get answered without violence.

I would like to go back one day.


  1. I'll go back with you and visit the Triangle of Death


  2. We should take a drive around Baghdad and visit all the places we should have been blown up.
