Sunday, September 27, 2009

Reflections from a tired staffer...

There's a lot of talk in the media about troop increases in Afghanistan and troop decreases in Iraq. It's a bit amusing to see so many bases in Iraq drawing down while we attempt to build up a base here on the edge of nowhere. The drawdown has its advantages, more stuff in which to acquire for our base. As well as its disadvantages, being very low on priority for a limited amount of intelligence assets.

Afghanistan troop increases, plus the continued presence in Iraq means shorter dwell time back at home station. The "peace time" Army that I was anticipating upon redeployment most likely will not be the case. A time at home station of maybe a year is becoming the norm.

The failure to see any light at the end of the tunnel is driving me increasingly toward a decision that I did not think I was ready to face. I'm not sure how the Army expects to keep its mid level NCOs and officers if all we ever know is deployments every other year.

A strategic intel assignment, or even a NATO slot, or European Command position, or possibly Africa Command does not even look appealing when a trip to Afghanistan 2 years later is a likely outcome.

Positive note: despite lack of personnel and assets, I'm still enjoying the job.

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