Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pimping another blog

If you have a free moment, check out The Interested Soldier. It's a blog by a former coworker and a friend of mine (former CHU-mate as well) who is currently deployed to Afghanistan. Dave is a battalion S2 with the 82nd Airborne, but I try not to hold that against him. His posts, assuming he updates more frequently than I ever did while deployed, are likely to be more relevant to current counter insurgency theory and practice than anything I come up with while I sit on my comfy couch in beautiful Tacoma, WA.

He's also smarter than I am and a lot more articulate so his blog will probably be a better read. No pressure Dave. Do your best not to get your blog noticed by Brigade...and don't let being an S2 make you bitter and cynical like it did to me.


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